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Ecology Link undertakes a range of arboricultural surveys to approved standards, including BS 5837 Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction โ€“ Recommendations; Arboricultural Impact Assessments and veteran and protected trees.

Tree constraints map

Tree constraints map

The majority of these are related to planning applications, undertaken to inform architectural designs and where possible, to incorporate and retain trees of all ages into site developments. These are often site wide assessments, including trees adjacent to the site, which can often be impacted if not protected effectively.

Protection of trees within adjacent garden

Protection of trees within adjacent garden

When a client requires both Tree and Phase 1 surveys, Ecology Link combines the survey effort, allowing both assessments to be undertaken together. This approach reduces survey costs and increases efficiency.

View: Tree_constraints_map.pdf

River Ise Veteran Tree Management

To aid the ecological enhancement of a large section of river which was under HLS and SSSI designations, the trees were surveyed from an arboricultural, ecological and landscape perspective. The results of this survey provided detailed recommendations of remedial management, required to secure longevity of individual mature coppice and veteran pollarded trees. Suggestions for managing younger trees under a pollard regime were made to increase age and structural diversity along the river. In addition, tree stumps showing signs of occupation by otters or with potentially suitable features for roosting bats, were earmarked for lack of intervention.

View: R. Ise โ€“ coppice.pdf

View: R. Ise โ€“ pollard.pdf

Secure longevity of individual mature coppice and veteran pollarded trees

Secure longevity of individual mature coppice and veteran pollarded trees

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Ecology Link Ltd

61 Middlewatch, Swavesey
Cambridge, CB24 4RW, UK

Telephone: 01954 231 375
Mobile: 07506 703 540 (Jonathan)
Mobile: 07917 208 040 (Helen)
